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Tuesday 11 February 2020

How to boast up your immune system to fight against the coronavirus (aka wuhan virus)?

First of all, why is the coronavirus so deadly? Well, for starter, it is a new virus that has no medicine or vaccine for it yet. But it is a flu like virus, and everyone has flu before so why is our immune system not able to fight it? Well, it is not able to fight it because first our antibody has not encounter it before therefore, they don’t know that they need to fight it. As like in a real war, our soldier meets a stranger, they won’t simply just attack as they do not know if this stranger is a friend or a foe. They will only start attacking once they are offended but when that happen it might be too late as this virus attack our lungs.  So, patient who has history of lung problem, respiratory illness (like asthma) or is already weak with sickness, they will be in higher risk of losing this war. That being said, other healthier person will have higher chance of surviving if they are able produce antibody to fight it. So how to do we produce antibody? Well by keeping ourselves healthy and having better immune system, our body will have the antibody or ammo to fight it.

Below are some steps which we can take to help boast up our immune system to fight against the coronavirus (aka wuhan virus).

1)     Regular exercise contributes to promoting good circulation which allow the substance and cells in our body to move freely and do their job more efficiently, thus detecting any risk of infection faster.
2)     Get vitamins D by being in the sun. Vitamins D will boast the immune response to seasonal cold or flu.
3)     Drink warm water. Drinking warm water not only help improve digestion, keep our body warm and it is effective to killing viruses and also help your body get rid of toxins.
4)     Get enough sleep. Sleep is the time your body rejuvenate and repairs its cells. 7 – 9 hours of sleep is ideal.
5)     Eat some yogurt as the prebiotics contained in some yogurts hep to improve the body’s immunity and disease resistance
6)     Drink honey water, ginger water or lemonade often as
a)     Antioxidant in honey are booster for improving immunity
b)     Ginger is a natural analgesic which has certain anti-infection effect
c)     Lemon is rich in vitamin C which has anti-oxidant properties
7)     Eat your vitamins C and supplement regularly (there are difference in vitamins and supplement compare to medicines – see it in my next blog)
8)     Garlic is also a well-known immune boaster, so add some of it in your diets.
9)     Do not smoke and avoid inhaling too much tobacco smoke as it lowers our basic immune system defenses and also increase risk of bronchitis and pneumonia in people.
10) Drink less alcohol as excessive consumption increase the vulnerability to lung infection which also give chance for the coronavirus to attack.
11)  Fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds are foods which provide your body with nutrients that your immune system needs. So, eat more of these.
12)  Eat more protein as protein in lean meat, beans, soy and seafood increase the production of infection fighting white blood cells.
13)  Olive oils and canola oils contain healthy fats which act as a lubricant for cells to improves it its flexibility and communication between cells, thus promotes immune functionality.

Lastly, keep a balance diet and have a healthy lifestyle and your immune system will fight against any viruses for you.

IF you would like to get supplement to boost up your immune system, please click here
IF you are from Malaysia, Singapore or Brunei then please register here with the reference code. 8176851 and sponsor ID. Chin for order of supplements.
Get your red tea detox here
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Sunday 9 February 2020

How to prevent the spread of the coronavirus (aka wuhan virus)?

Viruses can last up to 24 hours on any objects. So you will see that it is impossible to get rid of them unless you wash those objects with antiseptic soap,but you can take measure to protect yourself from them especially public object. Below are some ways you can use to help prevent yourself from getting them.

1) Do not touch your face or rub your eyes with your hands if you have touch any public object which you suspect might be infected with virus. 
2) Distance yourself from someone who is sick.
3) Avoid crowded area if possible.
4) Wash your face often with water and your hand thoroughly with soap and water.
5) Do not touch any food item without washing your hands first.
6) Do not share food, utensils, cups or towels.
7) Do not touch the face of your loved ones or food with your hands when you just come home from any public places.
8) Take bath with antiseptic soap if possible once you are home from any public places.
9) Boost up your immune system by taking vitamins C regularly. 
10) Wear a mask if your are sick to prevent yourself from infecting others.
11) DO NOT dry your hand on the hand dryer of public toilet as the hand dryer is full of viruses as very seldom it will be sanitized.
12) Use an alcohol based sanitizer if you are outside.
13) See a doctor if you feel unwell.

Get your red tea detox here
Please also follow my Facebook fan page

IF you would like to get supplement to boost up your immune system, please click here
IF you are from Malaysia, Singapore or  Brunei then please register here with the reference code. 8176851 and sponsor ID. Chin for order of supplements.

Saturday 19 October 2019

Ways to lose weight without diet or exercise.

  1. Chew your food slowly because your brain needed time to process that you have enough to eat. Eating slowly will decreased your food intake and increased fullness.
  2. Use smaller plates to eat. When food put into smaller plates will make it look more than it is and you will be eating less. Good for snack or your craving of unhealthy food.
  3. Eat more proteins like eggs, fish, chicken breasts lentils, quinoa, almond and Greek yogurt as protein increase the feeling of fullness therefore reduce hunger and help you to eat less.
  4. Eat more fiber rich food like oats, beans, asparagus, oranges and flax seed that help to increase satiety thus helping you feel fuller for longer.
  5. Drink water before a meal will help you lose weight and eat less.
  6. Pay attention when you eat.  Nowadays, many people tend to eat while watching tv or looking at phone while eating. This kind of distraction will cause you to overeat without realizing it.
  7. Excess stress and lack of sleep may cause you to eat more as it causes several appetite regulating hormones to be imbalance.
  8. Your brain doesn’t register sugary liquid calories as solid foods thus making you eat more and cause weight gain and diseases
  9. Take 1 day a week to eat healthy carb sources like rice, potatoes, fruits, rice and oats as it can boost some fat burning hormones like thyroid hormones and leptin. Do not eat more than this. If you are already having some carb in your daily diet then please do not do this.

Saturday 7 September 2019

Super Foods That Will Help You Lose Belly Fat (part 2)

This is a continue of my earlier blog post (https://angelsunjweightloss.blogspot.com/2019/07/super-foods-that-will-help-you-lose.html) on super foods.
 Below are some super foods that can help you lose belly fat.

  1. Olive oil – Extra virgin oil will give you the full feeling and make you slim down as you will kind of eat less. But, fried snacks are making you gain weight so try to reduce fried snack.
  2. Berries (eg. Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries) – they are pack with antioxidant and fibers which help your immune system 
  3. Eggs – many people just loves eggs as they are the number one high protein foods that is linked to weight loss. Add them in your salad and breakfast toast a delicious and healthy meal
  4. Dairy product like (eg. Milk, yogurt, cheese) – the high calcium in them help people to reduce waist line
  5. Leafy green vegetables – high in potassium, they help to offset the bloat inducing effects of sodium from other food
  6. Bananas –  pack in prebiotics, potassium and magnesium, it product good bacteria which can offset the bloating caused by salty processed foods. Also help in indigestion. 

That is all for now. For faster effect, please remember to drink your Red Tea Detox

Get your red tea detox here

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Tuesday 20 August 2019

Super Foods That Will Help You Lose Belly Fat (part 1)

Super Foods That Will Help You Lose Belly Fat (part 1)

If you are drinking Red Tea Detox and at a certain point you feel that you are not reducing in weight then maybe is because in your diet you have food that are causing water retention and higher calorie intake.

So, start reducing your intake of processed foods, junk food, sugary beverage and food that increase bloating.

There are many vegetable, fruits, nuts, fish, whole grains and seed that are loaded with protein and fibre that will keep you feeling fuller for a longer period and reduce your craving.

  1. Fish – (eg. salmon, tuna, sardines) – these are packed with lean protein and omega 3 that help you feel fill up and curb cravings. Salmon also are packed with vitamin B6 which can help regulate your mood and stress level.
  2. Baked potatoes – it is packed with potassium which can help counterbalance sodium and reduce bloating.
  3. Seeds (eg. sunflower or pumpkin seeds) – it provide a lots of immune boosting zinc, protein and fiber that can help stave off hunger  
  4. Nuts (eg. peanuts, walnuts, pistachios or almonds) – rich in monounsaturated fats , it help you reduce your belly fats.
  5. Tea help lower your waist line and increase digestion as it increases the body ability to burn fat to be use as fuel
  6. Citrus fruit (eg. Lemon)  - potassium in citrus fruit made it an antioxidant that help fight inflammation and combat bloating that is associated with belly fat storage. Putting lemon in your water will help you beat the bulge by staying hydration and slimming that tummy fat. 

Get your red tea detox here

Please also follow my Facebook fan page

Saturday 6 July 2019

Benefits of drinking tea

The benefits of drinking tea

  1. Drinking tea makes you feel calmer and more relax thus help to reduce stress
  2. Tea hydrate your body - it contain less caffeine and taste better than plain water
  3. Hot tea help lower your waist line and increase digestion as it increase the body ability to burn fat to be use as fuel 
  4. Antioxidant in tea helps to slow down aging, regenerate and repair cells thus might help to prevent cancer
  5. Red tea help ease headache, insomnia, nervous tension and irritability
  6. The anti-spasmodic agent in red tea allows it to aid the relief of stomach cramps
  7. Tea contain catechin and polysaccharides that helps to lower lower blood sugar
  8. Regular tea consumption will help reduce the risk of Parkinson's Disease
  9. Phytochemicals in tea might help to give you stronger bones 
  10. Tea is calorie - free making it a low calorie way to wake you up and shed a few pounds - provided you don't add sweetener or milks to it
  11. The polyphoenols in tea also help to keep away bacteria that causes bad breath
  12. Tea contains chemicals called alkylamine antigens which help to boost the body’s immune system and thus help to fight infection
  13. Tea contains tannins which help limit the amount of iron the body can absorb therefore help those people who are suffering from iron disorders like haemochromatosis 

Please note that different teas has different benefits thus above are just the benefits of all 
tea in general.

Get your red tea detox here
Please also follow my Facebook fan page

Saturday 22 June 2019

Does drinking water help you to lose weight?

The answer for above is YES. Water does help you to lose weight. By drinking more water, your body will stop retaining water and hence you will lose those water weight. Water also help to flush out your toxin and help to boost your metabolism.

Below are ways you can use water to help you to lose weight.

  1. Drink water before a meal make it to acts as an appetite suppressant and therefore you will      eat less.
  2. Stop drinking soda and canned juice as these beverages have additional sugar which will add  to your weight. Try drinking hot water with a slice of lemon because the pectin in lemon helps reduce food cravings. Drinking red tea detox also another good suggestion as tea help to burn fat too. 
  3. Drink warm water. Usually after a meal you will like a glass of cold or iced water but it is not    good for you. This is because after eating your body need to burn up the food to make it into  energy, warm water will help the process faster and hence reduce the building up of fats from food.
  4. If you are into exercise or gym, please make sure you keep yourself hydrated after the session  as water help to prevent muscle cramp and help to flush out the toxins through your sweat.

How do you know if you drink enough water every day to maintain good health and weight. Is easy, when you go toilet, see if your urine is clear or very light yellow in color, then yes you are well hydrated. But if it is dark or cloudy then please drink more water or red tea detox.

To get your red tea detox for your weight loss, please visit here.


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How to boast up your immune system to fight against the coronavirus (aka wuhan virus)? First of all, why is the coronavirus so deadly? W...

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