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Saturday, 22 June 2019

Does drinking water help you to lose weight?

The answer for above is YES. Water does help you to lose weight. By drinking more water, your body will stop retaining water and hence you will lose those water weight. Water also help to flush out your toxin and help to boost your metabolism.

Below are ways you can use water to help you to lose weight.

  1. Drink water before a meal make it to acts as an appetite suppressant and therefore you will      eat less.
  2. Stop drinking soda and canned juice as these beverages have additional sugar which will add  to your weight. Try drinking hot water with a slice of lemon because the pectin in lemon helps reduce food cravings. Drinking red tea detox also another good suggestion as tea help to burn fat too. 
  3. Drink warm water. Usually after a meal you will like a glass of cold or iced water but it is not    good for you. This is because after eating your body need to burn up the food to make it into  energy, warm water will help the process faster and hence reduce the building up of fats from food.
  4. If you are into exercise or gym, please make sure you keep yourself hydrated after the session  as water help to prevent muscle cramp and help to flush out the toxins through your sweat.

How do you know if you drink enough water every day to maintain good health and weight. Is easy, when you go toilet, see if your urine is clear or very light yellow in color, then yes you are well hydrated. But if it is dark or cloudy then please drink more water or red tea detox.

To get your red tea detox for your weight loss, please visit here.


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